Vanguard 45 Logo
Vanguard Space Port


The Server utilizes automated trains and boats to help players travel long distances. The ETA listed on the display boards found around each station is the only correct time. Please ignore everything else on the boards as due to errors they may display incorrect information. Available externally is a map of all the trains and boats currently running and how far along their route they are, as well as a 3D map of the Server as it's known!

Popular Destinations


  • Likely the first stop you will make on your journey into the Server. Watch for open steam vents if you take any of the scenic hiking trails!


Scattered around the Server are various landmarks, look out for a Lodestone and you just might find a souvenir in the form of a VANGUARD TRADING CARDS! © See if you can collect and catalogue them all! (Catalogues available at Spawn Station free of charge!)

That's not all for fun collectibles however! While you're exploring the deep underbelly of the Server make sure you keep your eye out for Cume Chalices! They're much more of a challenge to find!

Minecraft Lodestone